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Remote Shala livestream on Zoom


How to join our Remote Shala


Step 1: Set up Zoom on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone





Step 2:

Drop IN

If your are paying per class sign up for Remote Shala Online Classes on our schedule page. Punch Pass will automatically send you a link to the meeting (class) that you have signed up for.


Monthly & 12 Class Pass

If you have purchased a Monthly/ 12 Class Pass. Please let us know via email the classes you would like to attend monthly/ weekly/ daily (allow for at least 1/2 before the class) and an email will be send to you with a link to the class.  


Step 3: Click link approximately 10 minutes before the start time of the class and join Zoom Meeting 


Step 4: Turn off your microphone and your camera if you would like the teacher to see you. 


Step 5: Let's hope this works, set up your mat and get ready to practice with us.


Step 6: At the end of class make sure you completely sign out of Zoom for security reasons and to make sure you have smooth and easy access the next time you join a class.


Contact us at if you experience any problems or do not receive links to your class






All our ongoing classes are all level drop in classes. Some classes may move at a faster pace then others to follow traditional breath count but every student regardless of experience level is welcome to attend all classes and are supported and encouraged to slow down, modify postures, take more breaths or move into child's pose (Balasana) as they need.





Mysore style class, is open to all levels including beginners! Students practice independently at their own pace. The teacher helps each student primarily through hands-on adjustments and verbal guidance. The sequence is learned progressively over a period of time appropriate to each individual. To develop a Mysore style practice we recommend that new students commit to at least 1-2 classes a week to initiate the development of the practice to build a solid foundation. Beginners can expect to spend between 30 to 45 minutes in the studio at first, with that time gradually increasing as more of the sequence is learned. Self-guided practice is the way to internalize your awareness and deepen your experience and understanding of yoga. The Mysore classes are the format for dedication, devotion, and discipline to unfold with regular practice. (The start time for Mysore classes is open; as long as you finish your practice by the end time, you may arrive at any time.)


Mysore Practice Approximate Durations:

Foundational Postures + Closing Sequence + Rest =  30-40 mins

Foundational Postures + Half Primary + Closing Sequence + Rest = 50-60 mins

Foundational Postures + Full Primary + Closing Sequence + Rest = 70-90 mins

Foundational Postures + Other Series + Closing Sequence + Rest = 40 mins-120 mins



All Discipline Open Space class is an inclusive space open to all levels and all disciplines of yoga. Whether you have an Ashtanga, Ashtanga Inspired, Yin, Sattva, Vinyasa or practice another yoga discipline we welcome all student into this open space. A teacher will be available to work with students both through hands on adjustments and verbal guidance as with a traditional mysore style class and will help each student develop and grow their own practice safely.



In the Led Full Primary class, students with some Ashtanga or other vinyasa style experience are verbally led through the full traditional sequence of asanas known as the Primary Series. The teacher's primary focus will be on the traditional breath count, bandhas and drishti and will give few verbal cues. This allows students to focus on their meditative practice in sequence with the whole class. Students develop steadiness of breath, mental focus, and core awareness. This class is not suitable for beginners as the class moves at a steady pace and has an uninterrupted flow of the asanas.



An All Levels Led Restorative/ Gentle Full Primary class, is suitable for all students. This class runs as an ongoing learning class, exploring and learning the full primary series. The teacher will verbally lead the class and offer adjustments, verbal cues and suggest modifications for beginners and students with injuries. This class runs at a slightly slower pace than the tradition Led Full Primary. This allows students to move into the postures with more breaths when needed while still allowing them to experience the full breath count while in each asana. The teacher will introduce you to more advanced asanas and prepare you for self-practice or Mysore style.


In the Led Half Primary class students at all levels will be verbally guided through half of the Primary Series postures. This is not necessarily intended as a beginner class and is recommended for all levels as the class moves at a steady pace. Think of this class as allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of breath, bandha, and drishti in the foundation postures (standing sequence) and the first part of the primary series.


In the Led Half Primary into Full Primary classes students new to yoga or the Ashtanga sequence or those who are requiring extra care are guided through the foundational postures and either half or full primary sequence with attention to building strength and learning through the support of props or modifications. This class is dedicated to new students and students needing more verbal direction and modifications during a led practice. This class runs at a slower pace then the traditional breath count allowing for students needing more assistance and time to safely move into the postures. 


Ashtanga Foundation class, is an all levels class. Students will be guided through the foundational postures that begins all of the 6 Ashtanga sequences. The teacher will focus on proper breath count, bandha and drishti. This class is great for beginners or any students who are looking to strengthen their practice. 


Our Ashtanga Flow are enrichment classes offering students a combined flow & workshop format to compliment their Mysore and/or traditional Ashtanga practice. Each class will have a different theme with an intense focus and teaching of the various postures from all 6 ashtanga series, allowing practitioners to play and explore as they are safely moved towards pinnacle postures that will offer opportunities for students of all levels to explore, reach and challenge there own limits with support. These classes follow the traditional structure of the Ashtanga Sequence: Sun Salutations, Foundation, Seated, Backbending & Closing Asana.  Suitable for all levels.


Ashtanga Inspired classes allow practitioners to explore the vinyasa system in changing sequences guided by each teacher as inspired by Ashtanga. These classes will use the influence of Ashtanga as a jumping off point and can range from a fast paced practice inspired by Ashtanga such as Rocket or Vinyasa to gentler sequencing such as Sattva, Hatha or Yin/ Yang practices. The format of each class will vary, some might begin with gentler movements to warm up the body while others might look at other styles of Sun Salutations to open the body. These classes are designed to explore your body, breath and mind differently in each class. Please look at individual classes on the schedule to see the individual teachers focus. Suitable for all levels. 



Yin yoga targets the connective tissues, ligaments, joints, and fascia within the body. Yin is a more passive practice that compliments and supports Ashtanga, as it aids in rebalancing the body after a long week of active asana. In this led class students will be guided with or without props, holding seated postures from 1-5 minutes. The benefits of Yin yoga can be explored on many levels helping to restore energy flow (or Chi) to the rest of the body, and challenging the practitioner to be present within longer held postures. Yin Yoga classes will be taught by Certified trained Yin teachers. Suitable for all levels.






Registered Intro Series Courses are suitable for those looking to learn and develop an Ashtanga practice. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some past yoga experience this class covers the basic principles of the Ashtanga methodology, physically and philosophically over a 10 class period. Classes will focus on the foundation postures (the opening sequence to all 6 series) in detail and move into the beginning postures of the primary series giving students an excellent foundation to start their individual or mysore style practice or to move into the half or full primary series classes.

(for further information please see Registered Classes & Workshop Page)



Registered Prenatal Class



Not currently running

Our prenatal classes are an ongoing yoga class for women who wish to try yoga for the first time or keep their existing practice going throughout pregnancy. The classes focus on breathing techniques, strength building and maintaining flexibility as well as providing helpful information on pregnancy, labour and childbirth. No prior yoga experience is necessary.

We offer a flexible registered pass for this class to allow for the ups and downs of pregnancy. As this class is ongoing there is no start or end date and you are welcome to sign up at anytime.

6 classes / $79

Drop ins welcome



Post Natal Mysore 



The "fourth" trimester can be a challenging (but exciting) time for new moms and babies. At the Shala, we know firsthand how pregnancy, birth and motherhood can change the body, mind and spirit. Our bodies change. Our priorities change. And often we forget about ourselves because we have to take care of everyone else. We want to help YOU take care of YOU.

Shala Ashtanga Yoga Centre is starting a pilot program for new moms with babes in arms! Our post-natal Mysore program will be focused on new mothers with little ones looking to re-establish their existing Ashtanga practice as well as those looking to start something new after childbirth. Babies (0-12 months) are more than welcome! Our experienced and trained teachers (who are also mothers) will be there to support this new time in yours and your baby's life, on your mat!

6 classes/$90

Drop ins welcome





NEW! Bhagavadgita Ongoing Series with Prof. Neil Dalal

(Drop in Class)

Every Monday Night at 7pm




or contact (note that you are a Shala Student) 


Yoga is the path of cutting through delusion to recognize the hidden reality of our true self, according to the teachings of Upanisads and Bhagavadgita. In this class series, Prof. Neil Dalal will provide an step by step unfoldment of this knowledge through Advaita Vedanta, the classical tradition of nonduality. This Upanisadic wisdom will deepen your yoga practice as you delve ino the mind and explore the structure of your own experience. Through introspection and self inquiry, you will eventually discover the wholeness that you seek. 


All contributions can be make to Dr. Neil Dalal at 

suggested contribution: $10 to $20

links to past classes. 


July 6, Class 10

June 29, Class 9

June 22, Class 8

June 15, Class 7

June 8, Class 6

June 1, Class 5

May 25, Class 4

May 18, Class 3

May 11, Class 2

May 4, Class 1








*Please note that class times are approximate. You are welcome to notify the teacher if you need to leave early.

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