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This program will provide you the confidence to turn your attention inwards, start to focus on the internal aspects of yoga as well safely guide you through the physical discipline while respecting your unique body, mind and experience. 



This programs includes 5 class Immersive Intro to Ashtanga Clinics & 5 semi Mysore for Beginner classes


Next session: starting Oct 17, 2023

Immersive Intro Week:

Commitment: $135.00

Register Below

October 17 - 28

4-8 Classes: Tuesday thru Saturday

Time: 6-7pm

Location: 10026- 102 street, in studio


1-2 Class: Saturday

Time: 9:30-11:00am 

Location: 10305 97 street, Downtown Farmers Market

October 23 - November 4

4-8 Classes: Monday thru Thursday & Saturday

Time: 7-8am

Location: 10026- 102 street, in studio


1-2 Class: Saturday

Time: 9:30-11:00am 

Location: 10305 97 street, Downtown Farmers Market 

This program is an ideal way to start your Ashtanga Yoga practice. You will learn the foundations and sequence of this transformative and healing method. All levels welcome, from complete beginners to other yoga methods or those reentering their ashtanga practice.


What you will learn

Background for the Ashtanga Yoga System

How the Ashtanga yoga sequence works and how it is designed to be practiced

Important aspects of the Ashtanga practice; breath, gazing point, vinyasa, bandhas

foundational asanas up to half primary series (based on individual experience)



What you will receive

Confidence to move into your Ashtanga Yoga practice

Community of like minded students

Individual instruction 

Teaching in a manner appropriate for individual needs

Motivation to come to your mat

Building a healthy relationship with your body

Commitment to the beginning of a daily practice

Experience of your body and mind opening and transforming

Cleansing and stilling the body and mind

Beginning of overall health

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Introduction to Ashtanga Program is an all level program. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some past yoga experience these classes cover the basic principles of the Ashtanga methodology, physicality and history over a set period of time. The classes will focus on foundation postures, the opening sequence to all 6 series in detail and move into the first half of Primary series as your body allows. This program offers an excellent foundation to start your individual or Mysore style practice, move into any traditional Ashtanga class or take you to a new level in your vinyasa style classes. 


​The Workshop/ Clinic classes are designed to deepen your understanding of the Ashtanga method by dissecting and taking a deeper look at the posture and explore variations in your body, ask questions and begin to learn about the method and history of Ashtanga. These workshop days will move through deepening your understanding of forward folds, hip openers, lotus postures, twists, backbends & headstands. 


Led Ashtanga class nights will introduce you to progressively learn the breath count and sequencing of half of the primary series of Ashtanga. This class will encourage memory of the sequence, as well develop endurance, strength and proper breath and movement connections building on what has been learnt in the workshops and (semi-led) Mysore nights in the program. 


The semi-led Mysore style nights of the course will prepare you to safely practice the ashtanga system for your body, start to build your own personal practice and develop a collaborative relationship with the teachers. This class will provide you the space and opportunity to apply your workshop and led class learnings to your practice, moving at your own pace.  





*students are welcome to purchase a month unlimited new student pass anytime during the duration of their intro course for $210. This pass can be activated while you are attending your intro course or once it's completed. Monthly unlimited passes cannot be used to drop into any intro class.



Email info@shalacentre for more information!






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