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Teacher Development Classes
pay what you can
Shala's Teacher Development classes are various disciplined classes and are very important to SAYC. We are passionate about supporting our new teachers and students alike. These classes are to provide space for teachers to develop their skills and share their passion and their unique energetic and fresh perspective on yoga to students to SAYC. These classes are excellent for students beginning a yoga practice.
Through our pay what you can option we encourage all people inclusively to attend, learn and experience the practice of yoga regardless of social/ economic/ financial or cultural barriers and want to provide a safe space for everyone to practice.
Sunday evenings
The Teacher Development Classes rotate between Ashtanga, Ashtanga Inspired & Yin to offer students an overview of classes offered at the studio.
New Teacher Development Schedule:
Sundays at 6-7:30pm: Gentle Ashtanga with Pranayama and Meditaion, with Kartieekay
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